Sabtu, 23 April 2011

About FAQ this blog

Before I start here . I want to say " THANK YOU BRO" for all of my friends who's give me Courage,Judgment,and all support to me .

Q: Why this blog look so simple ?
A: someone give me comment for me to make this blog Simple but , usefully ( I hope) . Then  Focus in information . I like that too

Q: Why  this blog is not accurate ?
A : I very sorry ,if something information in this blog is lost / not true  . Because is that , I hope you all willing to share the information about RF online , your little contribution is become big to my heart. Thanks : )

Q: AH ! , your English is super baddddd!
A: Hahaha , i think so too . About this , i hope you make proper about this one because i have try my best  ,and always try all my best to this blog

Q: Oh , i understand now , but , I want to help you or help this blog, can I ?
A: YES! of course you can help in the way,
-first give me more info about rf online , i gratefully to receive that .send to / you can posting in this blog
-second just support me with pray ,it's enough , but i wish you can support me with see my ads , hahaha  :)( just joking)

After all , i want to end this FAQ about this blog ,back for Thanks to all my friends and you :)